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Results of crop and animal domestication:


Results of crop and animal domestication:



Results of crop and animal domestication:
- It improved mans ability to raise food, this reducing his reliance on the natural environment.
- Gradually, more efficient methods of farming were developed leading to the use of better farming methods and tools such as iron hoes and the raising of crops through irrigation.
- Food production increased which led to the growth of human population.
- Due to increased food production man began to lead a more settled life.
- Increased human population led to division of labour. Thus some people became farmers, while others engaged in weaving, pottery, metal work and trading.
- As man began to lead a more settled life, towns emerged, some of which became important commercial, administration and cultural centres.
- With the rise of human settlements, laws for governing human conduct were formulated. This in turn led to the rise of rulers such as chiefs and kings to enforce the laws.
- Increased food production led to food surplus which stimulated internal and external trade.
Gregorymasila1 answered the question on March 2, 2018 at 20:59

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