•Availability of natural resources such as minerals which are found in significant quantities and are used in the industries and also exported to other countries thus earning the country foreign exchange.
•Availability of market from within the continent of Africa and from the rest of the world due to her high quality goods
•The high population in South Africa provides both skilled and unskilled labour and also the internal market for the manufactured goods.
•Availability of sources of energy such as HEP and coal from the Witwatersrand coal fields.
•Developed transport system such as road, water and railway transport systems has facilitated the transportation of raw materials to the industries and transportation of manufactured goods from the industries to the markets.
•Air transport is also well developed with international airports which has enhanced business operations.
•Availability of capital mainly from trade from other materials e.g. minerals
Political stability especially after the apartheid rule which has encouraged trade and investment.
•Availability of skilled manpower in South Africa through the system of education which has enhanced the production of the necessary technical skills required for industrial growth.
•Government support through putting heavy tariffs on the imported commodities, encouraging foreign entrepreneurs and encouraging local investors to invest in the country.
•South Africa is also endowed with a variety of wildlife and scenic landscape that attracts tourists to the country
johnson mwenjera answered the question on March 3, 2018 at 12:04
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