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Describe and explain the laboratory preparation and properties of hydrogen chloride


Describe and explain the laboratory preparation and properties of hydrogen chloride



Laboratory preparation;
For the preparation to be successful, concentrated sulfuric acid is reacted with the common salt usually sodium chloride following the below procedure:
-Set up the experiment using the apparatus provided guided by the theory work.
-take two to three grams of sodium chloride(common salt) into the round-bottomed flask.
-Add five milliliters of concentrated sulfuric (IV) acid into the thistle funnel.
-Heat up the mixture gently.
-Ensure collection of gas by use of downward displacement method by use of a delivery tube and a gas collection jar.
-Place gas collected into different gas jars and observe the different characteristics of Hydrogen chloride gas.


- Concentrated sulphuric acid is reacted with sodium chloride, and the mixture heated gently.
- Resultant gas is passed through conc. Sulphuric (VI) acid; to dry the gas.

- The reaction can proceed in the cold, but on large scale HCl(g) is produced by the same reaction but the heating is continued to re hot.

Chemical and physical characteristics/properties include:
-Reacts with ammonia to produce ammonium chloride as a product.
-Reacts with silver nitrate to form silver chloride usually white precipitate.
-Hydrogen chloride gas produces a pungent smell.
-Magnesium reacts with water solution of hydrogen chloride to give out hydrogen gas.
-Hydrogen gas is usually colorless.
-Turns a blue litmus paper red since it is usually acidic.
-Usually fumes with moist air.
-Has a higher density as compared to air.

franco crick answered the question on March 9, 2018 at 13:34

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