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Explain the reasons which enabled the British to defeat the Agiriama


Explain the reasons which enabled the British to defeat the Agiriama



i) The British had a large, well trained and disciplined military as compared to the Agiriama's

ii) The British received military and material assistance from the mother country and frtiends

iii) The British employed ruthless methods such as scorched earth policy to fight the Agiriama which caused famine and starvation inhibiting a strong Agiriama resistance.

iv) The Agiriama were demoralised, lost hope and confidence, after the arrest and deportation of their leaders to kisii.

v) The Agriama lost hope and got demoralised when the traditional religion and oath failed to provide protection/ immunity against the British bullet/ army

vi) The British had sophisticated weapons like guns unlike the Agiriama who had simple and inferior weapons like spears and arrows.
johnmulu answered the question on April 28, 2017 at 08:07

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