i. At Bethany he sent two disciples to the village.
ii. They were to untie a colt that had never been ridden.
iii. Instructed to tell whoever asks that the lord needed it.
iv. They found the colt as told by Jesus
v. They brought the colt / threw their sacks on it.
vi. They put Jesus on it and saddled him
vii. People put cloths / tree branches / palm branches on the road.
viii. The disciples praised Jesus /people shouted” God bless the king who comes in the name of the lord”
ix. The Pharisee asked Jesus to tell the disciples to keep quiet.
x. Jesus replied if they kept quiet, the stones would start shouting.
xi. He entered the temple area / drove away those trading in the temple area / my house is a house of prayer not a den of robbers.
kevinnyabute answered the question on March 5, 2018 at 09:41
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