i) Rigid cultures among West Africa people due to little contacts with the Europeans, therefore difficulty in abandoning their traditions and be assimilated
ii) French acquisition of colonies was primarily motivated by economic interests in terms of getting markets and raw materials for her industries therefore assimilation would inhibit them from exploiting the Africans
iii) European Frenchmen feared that assimilated Africans would be equal to themselves, therefore rivalry would rise an economic interest.
iv) Assimilation proved too expensive in the entire French West Africa in terms of more schools, hospitals
v) Resistance from the traditional rulers who did not want to lose their powers
vi) Strong resistance from the Muslims against the French attempt to convert them to Christianity
vii) The French citizens in France feared that assimilies would outnumber them in the Lower House, therefore controlling them.
viii) Despite the assimilation, the French discriminated the Africans by treating them as unequal. Thus resentment of the policy
ix) The French school system was largely under the Christian missionaries who became merely interested in converting the Africans int Christianity instead of indoctrinating
johnmulu answered the question on April 28, 2017 at 12:58
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