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Describe cultivation of oil palm from land preparation to harvesting


Describe cultivation of oil palm from land preparation to harvesting



Land preparation;
-A couple of ploughing is done until the final stage of fine soil tilth is achieved.This ensures that the land is free from weeds.
-Dig the planting holes/pits at the correct spacing.
-Add both organic matter and 400 grams of single super phosphate and 50 grams of phorate at the pit/holes dug.
-Mix the soil and the added manure and the fertilizers as well.
-The best planting time is in between June and December.
-During planting healthy seedlings aged 12-15 months with a height of at least one meter and 12-13 functional leavesare used.
-Planting is done by a triangular method where correct spacing is 9 meters by 9 meters by 9 meters.
-The spacing of the planting pits should be 60cm by 60cm by 60cm.
Fertilizer and Manure application;
-Soon after planting the single super phosphate and phorate fertilizers mixed with soil are immediately applied at the base of the pit.
-Sufficient macro, micro and secondary nutrients should be applied.
-Fertilizers should be applied after every three months at an interval.For this to be successful four equal doses should applied with a help of a field fork mainly some centimeteres away from the base of the palm tree or crop.
-Farm yard manure should also be applied of 75-100 Kg per each oil palm tree and alongside with the second dose.
Management practices done;
-Weed control;this is mainly done through regular manual weeding or alternatively by use of selective herbicides such as Glyphosphate of around 700 to 750ml in a hectare.
-Mulching;this sis mainly done during summer seasons where dried leaves, coconut or empty bunches are applied at the base of the growing plants.This is mainly done to conserve moisture and weed growth.
-Basin management;Within the first year a 1 meter radius is used followed by a 2 meter radius in the second year and a 3 meter radius in the third year by continuous removal of the soil inside the basins to ensure the basin radius is achieved.The basins ought to be clean and free from pests,weeds and diseases.
-Pests and diseases control; oil palm wilt, Garnodema and Mealy bugs are the most commonly found pests in oil palm farms/fields.They are best controlled through appropriate measures while contacting the nearest agricultural department for assistance.
-After two and half to three years the oil palms are ready for harvesting.
-Harvesting index/time is determined when the oil palm fruits turns into a yellowish-orange color.
-The harvesting time is also determined when five to eight fruits drops on their own.
-The final thing to check whether the palm is ready for harvesting and of high quality is by pressing the fruit very hard using your finger the mature oil palm should extrude its oil.
-harvesting is mainly done within ten to fourteen days by use of a sharp knife or sickle leaving back a stalk with a length of five centimeters.

franco crick answered the question on March 13, 2018 at 05:40

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