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Describe the occurrence of the following features on the karst scenery: Karst window, Karst bridge, Gorge, Hum.


Describe the occurrence of the following features on the karst scenery
Karst window
Karst bridge



A karst window is formed due to further carbonation of rainwater at the surface or due to a rise in the water table. The roof the cavern may grow bigger leading to the collapse of its roof to form an outlet to the surface from the cavern referred to as a karst window
A karst bridge is formed as the cavern continues to collapse. The window grows larger until only a small part of the roof is left known as a karst bridge.
A gorge is formed when the part of the cavern roof which collapsed is removed in solution. It leaves a steep sided hollow lined by steep rocky cliffs called a gorge.
When the limestone between the valleys dissolves, some residual hills rounded by solution remain on the floor. These hills are referred to as hums.
Faimus answered the question on March 12, 2018 at 09:47

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