-Early Greeks and roman philosophers such as Socrates n Pilate ,saw education as an investment to be utilized in shaping the youth to be thouhgtive citizens who would serve the state.
-Adam smith(1776) who is the founder of economist as a discipline saw education as important in eliminating inefficiency and corruption thereby morally upright citizen who would facilitate,cultivating of good governance characterized by social and economic advancement
-David Ricardo and Robert Malthews writing in the 20th century saw education as a means of developing attitudes and habits conducive population control and mantainance of civil liberty
-John stuart Mill utilitarian associates known as benthamites advanced theiropinions in the late19th century that education should be seen as an important cultivator of favourable habits of appropriate behavior motivation for self improvement promotion of productivity.
-Karl Max supported the education of workers which would give them skills .He came out strongly against the inhuman consequences of division of labour which tended to reduce work to mere ends and furthermore capitalizing production.He envied education as acting as a counter balance to the tendency of capitalizing development which erodes the working security
-Van Thiiman (1875) encouraged the consideration of man as comparable to productive capital good whose values should be costed.he saw educational obtained through an educational system as helping citizens to getting more national wealth He proposed thatsoldiers should be compensated for loose of life and injury based on their life time earning.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on March 13, 2018 at 17:00
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