-This is evidenced by Free Primary Education(FDE) and Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE)
-Provision of mobile schools in arid parts of the country,
-Building special institutions, which cater for physically, mentally and socially challenged children,
-Promotion of adult education.
-The government and NGO s have been in the fore-front in the provision of basic needs like; sanitary towels/pads to the girl child and fighting against flees and jiggers.
-The government is always in the forefront in fighting against poliomyelitis, measles and other deadly diseases to ensure a healthy nation.
-Introduction of the school meal program in primary education in the 1980s was meant to promote a healthy nation.
-There is emphasis on sports and music in schools. This is meant to promote self-actualization to individuals with such talents.
-The government spells out measures aimed at disaster-risk reduction in schools to ensure the upholding of the safety of students.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on March 13, 2018 at 17:08
- Give the views of early economist on consumption and investment aspects of education. (Solved)
Give the views of early economist on consumption and investment aspects of education.
Date posted: March 13, 2018. Answers (1)
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