-The normative/Decision-making functions. It involves the making of decisions i.e. setting of goals and objectives. Decision making is carried out by politicians, high-ranking bureaucratic officials and professionals.
-The technical/strategic function. It focuses on the formation of plans, identification of targets and evaluation of the required resources-human, financial, physical resources. It is carried out by individuals known as planners/statisticians. They are found in the planning unit of every ministry. They prepare micro-plans for individual ministries and forward the same to the ministry of planning and national development. The micro-plans are synchronized into national development plans. For example, in the ministry of education, planners are concerned with the qualitative and quantitative aspects of education. Qualitative planners are concerned with better training to teachers, better training facilities, better teaching resources. Quantitatively, they can be concerned with distribution of physical resources, teachers, teaching and learning materials, equipment and enrolment. The concern is provision of finances for recurrent and development expenditure.
-Implementation functions. This is the operation stage. Planned target and procedures are fulfilled. These activities are performed by the cabinet secretary and the principal cabinet secretaries to a ministry in liaison with the semi-autonomous arms of the ministry. I.e. KNLB,KNEC.
-The control function. This is the evaluation function. Involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses. The discrepancies and errors and problems between actual and planned achievement. The function demands close interaction between planners and administrators.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on March 13, 2018 at 17:34
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