Object linking Is the process of adding a complete file to to another different file.one can also link web pages together. The linked documents can be zipped by placing the documents in a folder and sent across via email, on the other hand embedding is a way of incorporating a document into an already existing file
Changes in a linked file gets updated in the destination file while changes in the embedded file do not propagate to the destination file, that is, one has to double click on the embedded file manually to make to make changes in the destination file.
In the case of linking, the data gets stored in the source file and is updated in the liking file whenever w change occurs in the linked file while in embedding, the data is stored in your file and any updates in the original file source are not reflected.
In linking, the object imported can only be edited in the original
application from which it was created.
In embedding, the object imported becomes part of the current application
and can be edited there.
23454 answered the question on March 18, 2018 at 09:05
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