Soil catena is the arrangement of soil on a mountain slope from top to bottom
Soil degeneration means loss of soil fertility
Soil erosion
Erosion removes the vegetative cover which protects the soil thus interfering with the soil texture. Wind erosion can lead to loss of fertility in arid areas. The coarser materials are deposited within short distance while the fine ones are deposited elsewhere. This leaves the original area depleted of its top fertile soil. Water erosion carries top soils either in suspension, solution or floods. Landslides can also cause erosion.
Burning of land.
Clearing farms through slash and burn methods used in shifting cultivation can lead to soil degeneration. The burning kills the microorganisms and thus robbing the soils of the organic matter. This in turn results in the deterioration of the soil structure. The soils become devoid of nitrogen because nitrogen fixing bacteria are killed. It further leads to the burning of humus and subsequent loss of fertility.
Planting one type of crop repeatedly, year after year, on the same plot can lead to soil degeneration. Such soils lack some nutrients, which cannot be gained from a single crop. This is why some farmers use fertilizers to counteract these deficiencies
Faimus answered the question on March 17, 2018 at 08:51
- (a) What is soil profile
(b) Name and describe the four soil layers (Solved)
(a) What is soil profile
(b) Name and describe the four soil layers
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Describe the following terms associated with soils Soil texture, Soil porosity, Soil permeability (b) What is the importance of soil acidity (Solved)
(a) Describe the following terms associated with soils
Soil texture
Soil porosity
Soil permeability
(b) What is the importance of soil acidity
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) What is soil structure
(b) Give the four types of soil structure. (Solved)
(a) What is soil structure
(b) Give the four types of soil structure.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- The main factors influencing soil formation are the nature of the parent rock and climate. Briefly describe how these factors influence soil formation. (Solved)
The main factors influencing soil formation are the nature of the parent rock and climate. Briefly describe how these factors influence soil formation.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- The following factors influence soil formation. Briefly explain how they influence the formation of soil. Living organisms, Relief, Time (Solved)
The following factors influence soil formation. Briefly explain how they influence the formation of soil.
Living organisms
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Describe the following leaching processes leading to the formation of various soil types. Ferralisation, Eluviation, Illuviation, Podzolisation, Calcification, Ribification, Salinisation (b) Differentiate between eluviation and illuviation. (Solved)
(a) Describe the following leaching processes leading to the formation of various soil types.
(b) Differentiate between eluviation and illuviation.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Formation of soil through decomposition of organic matter takes place in two stages. Describe them. (Solved)
Formation of soil through decomposition of organic matter takes place in two stages. Describe them.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give the three processes in which soil is formed. (Solved)
Give the three processes in which soil is formed.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give any five reasons why humus content in soil is important. (Solved)
Give any five reasons why humus content in soil is important.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Define the term soil
(b) Give the four components of soil
(c) Define the term land
(d) Give any two differences between land and soil.(Solved)
(a) Define the term soil
(b) Give the four components of soil
(c) Define the term land
(d) Give any two differences between land and soil.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give any three ways in which glacial features are not useful. (Solved)
Give any three ways in which glacial features are not useful.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give five ways in which glacial features are of significant use. (Solved)
Give five ways in which glacial features are of significant use.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the formation of an outwash plain(Solved)
Describe the formation of an outwash plain
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Describe the formation of kames
(b) Describe the formation of eskers (Solved)
(a) Describe the formation of kames
(b) Describe the formation of eskers
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Give any three characteristics of drumlins
(b) Give any three locations where drumlins are found. (Solved)
(a) Give any three characteristics of drumlins
(b) Give any three locations where drumlins are found.
Date posted: March 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Describe the following glacial features
Boulder train
Terminal moraine
(b) Give an example of a boulder train (Solved)
(a) Describe the following glacial features
Boulder train
Terminal moraine
(b) Give an example of a boulder train
Date posted: March 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) What is till
(b) Describe the two types of till
(c) Describe the features that are formed as a result of till(Solved)
(a) What is till
(b) Describe the two types of till
(c) Describe the features that are formed as a result of till
Date posted: March 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name any three resultant features of glaciation in lowland areas (Solved)
Name any three resultant features of glaciation in lowland areas
Date posted: March 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the formation of a rock basin (Solved)
Describe the formation of a rock basin
Date posted: March 14, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give an example of a waterfall formed as a result of a hanging valley. (Solved)
Give an example of a waterfall formed as a result of a hanging valley.
Date posted: March 13, 2018. Answers (1)