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(a) What is soil erosion? (b) Describe the five types of soil erosion (c) Briefly explain any three physical factors that favour soil erosion.


(a) What is soil erosion?
(b) Describe the five types of soil erosion
(c) Briefly explain any three physical factors that favour soil erosion.



Soil erosion is the removal of the top soils by action of moving water, glaciers, wind and mass movement.

Splash erosion is caused by heavy sudden rainstorms. Rain drops hit and loosen unconsolidated soil particles. The impact of the heavy drops throws the soil particles away.
Rill erosion occurs when the rate of rainfall exceeds the rate of infiltration. The rain water forms small channels called rills.
Gully erosion occurs when moving water or glacier cuts down deep and large channels by widening the existing rills.
Sheet erosion is the even removal of the top soils by rain water moving down slope immediately after heavy pours.
Wind erosion is the process by which wind carries away fine soil particles and deposits them elsewhere.

Mass wasting
Mass wasting especially landslides and soil creep can accelerate soil erosion.
The slope
The rate of soil erosion is determined by the nature of the slope. Steep slopes accelerate erosion. Gentle slopes experience less erosion.
Nature of the soil texture.
The fineness or coarseness of the soil texture can accelerate soil erosion. Areas with volcanic ash which form fine textured soils are vulnerable to soil erosion.
Faimus answered the question on March 17, 2018 at 09:33

Next: (i) The following factors cause soil degeneration. Leaching, Continuous cropping, Change of pH (ii) Describe how these factors influence soil degeneration.
Previous: Various human activities favour soil degeneration through soil erosion. Discuss any three human activities that favour soil erosion.

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