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List the negative side effects of using a computer for a long time


List the negative side effects of using a computer for a long time.



1. Musculoskeletal problems-Muscle soreness and muscle fatigue are the most common complaints of regular computer users. Back pain, chest pain, pain or numbness in arms, shoulder and feet. These mainly occurs because of a person's posture while using the computer not being correct. Either he is sitting on an uncomfortable chair or his workstation is not supportive of correct posture.

2. Repetitive stress injury-Pain in the neck, shoulder, or anywhere from the shoulder to fingers may indicate repetitive stress injury. When someone uses muscles in an awkward position,he may experience stiffness, pain or swelling in those areas. For example, twisting the wrist to use the mouse or specific typing technique that causes stretching of fingers or pressure on the wrist can turn really painful, and one of the disorders that affect the fingers and wrist is Carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Vision problems-bright light and bad glare or flickering image can strain the user's eyes. Constantly focusing on the screen without blinking can cause dry eyes.One may also suffer from computer vision syndrome.

4. Headache-This is due to increased muscle tension or pain in the neck at the base of the skull.Also prolonged use can affect eye power which needs vision correction and this can result also to headache.

5.May lead to obesity- prolonged use of computers, especially in children, may contribute to sedentary lifestyle and childhood obesity as they concentrate to much on computers and forget doing physical activies/exercise.

6. Stress disorders-Prolonged computer use along with other factors like poor health, work pressure and job environment can make someone susceptible to stress and the longer a person uphold the stress, the more susceptible he becomes to other health issues. It can also lead to loss of concentration, dizziness and weariness.

7. Increased risk of blood clots-being immobile and not allowing your blood a chance to get moving around your extremities may cause it to pool,creating build up of blood cells that will eventually clot due to not being able to be circulated around.Sitting in one position for too long greatly increase the risk for this.

8. Hearing lose from headphones-listening to audio with headphones on a consistent basis and using a volume that is too high can result in hearing impairment.

9. Sleeping problems-artificial lighting that is given off from computer screens can actually trick your brain and suppress its release of melatonin,the substance that assist someones's sleeping patterns.

10. Repetitive stress injuries-using a computer may cause someone to use their muscles in an odd way that may cause increased stiffness,pain or swelling in any of the areas.

11. Behavioural problems and aggressiveness-playing computer games for too long or without correct furniture and posture can lead to behavioural problems including aggressive behaviour.

12. Continuous use of a computer for too long may lead to photosensitive epileptic seizures which is caused by flashing or rapidly changing lights although this is rare.

13. Ozone irritation-ozone emitted from laser printers can lead to breathing problems.

14. Back problems-many computer users suffer serious back problems.This is due to poor posture or an awkward position while sitting at a computer.

15.-Indigestion and weght gain-this is as a result of physical inactivity due to long hours at work.In ladies,there is an additional cause of menopause.
Kalis answered the question on March 19, 2018 at 09:00

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