1. As a result of Chimurenga wars of 1896-1897, the Europeans lacked confidence in African leadership.
2. The British needed to fully control the economy so as to be able to exploit the resources adequately.
3. The British wanted to take full control of the African communities.
4. The British settlers were adequate, hence able to take charge of the administration.
5. Non-existence of traditional systems and indigenous political institutions.
- The indigenous/local political institutions based on Induna system had been destroyed during
British occupation of
- They desired to control the economy of Zimbabwe to maximize profit.
- To ensure complete control of the Africa/to end African resistance.
- The existence of British South Africa company personnel on the spot which were familiar with
the areas.
- The British South Africa company had enough finance to pay administrative officers.
- The Chimurenga appraising 1896-1897 had eroded European confidence in traditional African
leadership in the colony.
raphael answered the question on May 2, 2017 at 07:33
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Explain the effects of indirect rule in Kenya and Nigeria.
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