a) If Smith & Co. wish to resign from its appointment before the next AGM, they must carry out the following procedures:
1. Smith & Co. must deposit written notice of their resignation at the registered office of Emali Co. The resignation is effective on the day it is received unless the auditors have specified some later date
2. Smith & Co. must accompany such notice with a statement that either: -
-) There were no circumstances connected with this resignation which they consider should be brought to the notice of the members or creditors of the company or
-) A statement detailing any such surrounding circumstances which in the case of Smith & Co. for example in this case Smith & Co could state that their resignation was as a result of the fact that they believe that their firm does not have the capacity to serve the company as a result of its rapid growth.
b)Section 159 (6) Casual vacancies
The companies Act provides that the directors may fill any casual vacancy in the office of the auditor, but while any such vacancy continues the surviving or continuining auditor or auditors, if any, may act. A casual vacancy could arise as a result of:
i) death
ii) incapacitation or
iii) resignation
Basing on this provision the directors can fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Smith & Co. however; the shareholders of the company still have a right to remove the auditor so appointed during the AGM.
c) Before accepting nomination as the company’s auditor the following steps and factors should be considered Statutory matters
Ensure that your firm is professionally, legally and ethically qualified to act as an auditor. The auditor must ensure that he has not contravened any provisions of the companies Act in regard to independence. He must ensure that he is not a servant or in partnership with a servant of the company. In case Relief Supplies has a holding company or subsidiaries it is also important to ensure that your firm has not previously been disqualified from being eligible for appointment as auditors of such subsidiaries or the holding company.
Ethical matters
- Your firm must also ensure that it has fulfilled all the professional ethical requirements in regard to independence. I.e. the firm must not have any personal, family or business relationships with the prospective client among other provisions;
- Your firm should establish it has the technical proficiency to undertake the audit. This will include determining whether the firm posses the necessary technical skills to carry out the assignment;
- Establish whether the firm?s resources are adequate to service the needs of the new client i.e. staff time with the necessary technical competence and experience;
- Your firm should seek references about the status of the company and its management. Such references will assist the auditor in assessing the potential risk in associating with this new client. Information sought would include the reputation of the company and its directors. It is a professional requirement that very firm must evaluate all prospective clients before accepting appointment. Seeking references about the client provides useful information in carrying out this evaluation;
- I would try to determine the reason for the change in auditor. The question says that the directors believe they do not receive a cost effective service from the existing auditor. However, there may be problems with the level of audit fee or the existing auditor may want to qualify his report which the directors are trying to prevent;
- I would obtain a copy of the previous years audited accounts. If the audit report is qualified, it indicates that the audit has a higher than normal risk. From these accounts I would assess whether the company is having going concern problems by calculating appropriate ratios such as the gearing ratio and if there could be weaknesses in the system of internal control;
- I would check that no conflict of interest arises through my acceptance of appointment as auditor of the company;
- I would consider the level of fee I would charge. It should be sufficient to provide an acceptable return, as an inadequate fee could result in
insufficient audit work being carried out and thus increase the audit risk;
- Communicate to the outgoing auditor-Your firm should request Relief Supplies permission to communicate with the existing/outgoing auditor. If such permission is denied your firm should decline the appointment. If your firm receives permission from the client, you should write to the existing auditor requesting all the information which ought to be made available to you to enable you decide whether or not you are prepared to accept appointment. Communication with the existing auditor is not just a matter of professional courtesy. Its main purpose is to enable the prospective auditor ensure that there are no reasons which preclude him from accepting the appointment. It would be important at this stage to confirm with the outgoing auditor whether the true reason for being requested to resign is because their firm is perceived by management as not providing a value for money audit or could there be other reasons behind this.
Before replying to the prospective auditor the outgoing auditor should obtain the client?s permission to discuss his affairs fully with the prospective auditor. If the outgoing auditor is duly authorized by the client to discuss the client?s affairs with the prospective auditor, then he may communicate any relevant information he believes to be true, including the reasons for the proposed change and any other matter he considers that the prospective auditor should be made aware.
The prospective auditor must treat any information given by the outgoing auditor in the strictest confidence and should weigh this carefully in reaching a decision whether or not to accept the appointment.
If the client refuses the existing auditor authority to discuss his affairs with the prospective auditor, the outgoing auditor should inform the prospective auditor who should then decline the appointment.
If the outgoing auditor considers that there are professional reasons to prevent the prospective auditor accepting nomination he must disclose these to the prospective auditor. The prospective auditor should endeavor to ascertain the reasons for the change in auditors. If after doing this, he is of the opinion that the existing auditor is being treated unfairly, he may decline the appointment.
Therefore communicating with the outgoing auditor is important:
- To get necessary information that could guide him on whether to accept or reject nomination;
- To enquire on the reasons for the change in auditors;
- Professional courtesy.
Having considered these factors your firm should then make a decision on whether to accept the appointment.
After your firm accepts nomination it should carry out the following procedures
- Ensure that the removal or resignation of existing auditor is properly carried out in accordance with the Companies Act Chapter 486. I.e. a simple resolution was passed at the AGM removing the current auditors.
- That your appointment is valid and obtain a copy of new resolution passed in AGM to appoint you as the new auditor.
Set up a letter of engagement to the directors of company.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on March 28, 2018 at 08:42
- (a) Explain why auditors carry out circularisation of debtors. (b) Distinguish between positive and negative debtors circularisation procedures. (c) Describe in...(Solved)
(a) Explain why auditors carry out circularisation of debtors.
(b) Distinguish between „positive? and „negative? debtors circularisation procedures.
(c) Describe in detail the work you would carry out in scrutinizing the replies to the debtors circularisation and in confirming whether the debtors balances are collectable in the following situations:
i. where the debtor does not agree with the balance and states a difference; (6 marks)
ii. where the debtor reports that he cannot confirm the balance
iii. where no reply is received from the debtor
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- You have been asked by the partners of your firm to prepare a draft memorandum on materiality which will provide guidance to members of...(Solved)
You have been asked by the partners of your firm to prepare a draft memorandum on materiality which will provide guidance to members of staff in conducting the audit of the accounts of limited companies.
a)Define materiality.
b) Explain the importance of this concept to the auditor.
c) Suggest some criteria for determining cut-off point in order to assess the materiality of an error.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- John Mutiso bought shares of Sh.2 million six months ago in Kenya Company Limited which has since gone into liquidation. He intends to sue...(Solved)
John Mutiso bought shares of Sh.2 million six months ago in Kenya Company Limited which has since gone into liquidation. He intends to sue XYZ & Co. Certified Public Accountants for the imminent loss of Sh. 2 million which he is likely to suffer. XYZ & Co. had audited the Kenya Company Ltd. The previous year and issued an unqualified report. John Mutiso claims that he solely relied on the audit report when he took that investment decision.
a) Do the auditors, XYZ & Co. have any liability to Mr. John Mutiso?
b) What circumstances must Mr. John Mutiso demonstrate if he has to succeed against the auditors?
c) State the measures XYZ & Co. should undertake to minimize potential liability for professional negligence.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between Accrual concept and Prudence concept(Solved)
Distinguish between Accrual concept and Prudence concept.
Date posted: March 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the following concepts a).Depreciationb) Amortizationc) Depletion(Solved)
Explain the following
a) Depreciation
b) Amortization
c) Depletion
Date posted: March 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- The auditing guideline on ‘recording’ requires audit working papers to be sufficient complete and detailed so that an experienced auditor who has no previous connection...(Solved)
The auditing guideline on ‘recording’ requires audit working papers to be sufficient complete and detailed so that an experienced auditor who has no previous connection with the audit is able to subsequently ascertain from working papers the work performed and to further support the conclusions reached thereon.
(a) State four benefits that the auditor will obtain from the working papers that meet the above requirements.
(b) Outline the contents of a typical:
(i) Current audit file;
(ii) Permanent audit file.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- You are the audit manager in charge of Car Alarms Ltd. Whose financial year ended on 31 March 1993. Due to the tight schedule...(Solved)
You are the audit manager in charge of Car Alarms Ltd. Whose financial year ended on 31 March 1993. Due to the tight schedule of your programmes you are unable to devote anytime at the client‟s premises. Therefore you have delegated the responsibility to the audit senior.
(a) State the procedures you would follow to control the audit up to completion stage.
(b) Explain the matters you would pay attention to in order to achieve you firm‟s quality control targets.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give four examples of internal audit work that may be used by the external auditor (Solved)
Give four examples of internal audit work that may be used by the external auditor
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the matters you would consider and the work you would perform to enable you assess the extent to which you would rely on the...(Solved)
Explain the matters you would consider and the work you would perform to enable you assess the extent to which you would rely on the work of the internal audit department of your client
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between internal audit and internal check ...(Solved)
Distinguish between internal audit and internal check
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- What are the similarities between internal and external audits? (Solved)
What are the similarities between internal and external audits?
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the following types of Audits:
i. Statutory Audits;
ii. Internal Audits;
iii. Private Audits;
iv. Management Audits;
Describe the following types of Audits:
i. Statutory Audits;
ii. Internal Audits;
iii. Private Audits;
iv. Management Audits;
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- In addition to shareholders, many different parties are interested in the audited accounts of a company. Name FOUR such parties and state the significance...(Solved)
In addition to shareholders, many different parties are interested in the audited accounts of a company. Name FOUR such parties and state the significance of audited accounts to each one of them.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the 4 main methods of determining depreciation(Solved)
Discuss the 4 main methods of determining depreciation.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Define control accounts (b) State the two main types of control accounts (c) State the purpose of control account(Solved)
(a) Define control accounts (b) State the two main types of control accounts (c) State the purpose of control account
Date posted: March 21, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Action must be specifically taken to prevent the occurrence of frauds involving the assets of the company”, Finance Director of Food All Limited addressing accounting...(Solved)
“Action must be specifically taken to prevent the occurrence of frauds involving the assets of the company”, Finance Director of Food All Limited addressing accounting staff of the company. Of particular interest to the directors are:
1. The safety of unclaimed wages
2. The receipt of cash from customers.
3. The company’s cheque books
4. Issue of credit notes to debtors.
a. For each of the above, explain how a fraud can occur in the area.
b. What controls should be in place to prevent the occurrence of each of the frauds described in (a) above?
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- The Companies Act (Cap.486) sets out the duties of the auditors for a company in respect of his report and other matters.
a. State four situations under...(Solved)
The Companies Act (Cap.486) sets out the duties of the auditors for a company in respect of his report and other matters.
a. State four situations under which the Act requires auditors to qualify their report.
b. State two circumstances in which the auditors may qualify their report owing to inherent uncertainty.
c. State four types of circumstances in which the auditors may qualify their report as a result of disagreement with the directors
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- The principle objective of the verification of liabilities, commitments and contingencies is to form an opinion as to their completeness, existence, valuation and presentation in...(Solved)
The principle objective of the verification of liabilities, commitments and contingencies is to form an opinion as to their completeness, existence, valuation and presentation in the financial statements.
a. Why does the auditor examine statements received from suppliers of goods and services?
b. How would the auditor ensure that at the year end all goods received by a client were included in both inventories and creditor balances?
c. How would the auditor ensure that the amounts accrued for wages and salaries due but unpaid were properly calculated and recorded in the books?
d. What tests would the auditor need to undertake in order to ensure that capital commitments at the year end were fairly stated in the books?
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- The auditing guideline on ‘planning, controlling and recording’ contains the following statement with regard to working papers: ‘audit working papers should always be sufficiently complete...(Solved)
The auditing guideline on ‘planning, controlling and recording’ contains the following statement with regard to working papers: ‘audit working papers should always be sufficiently complete and detailed to enable an experience auditor with no previous connection with the audit subsequently to ascertain from them what work was performed and to support the conclusions reached.’
a) Describe four benefits that the auditor will obtain from working papers that meet the above requirement.
b) If the auditor has discovered that a claim for damages is a significant item requiring exercise of judgement in the financial statements, show what type of evidence on the matter the auditor must record in the current file. Give reasons for the inclusion of such evidence in the current file.
c) List three types of information which is normally retained in the audit file and state why such information should be available for reference in the course of an audit.
d) Comment on the desirability of using standardised working papers and give an example of such working paper and its use.
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- a. The external auditor of a company uses the system of internal control to determine the nature, extent and timing of his audit tests.
• Whose responsibility is...(Solved)
a. The external auditor of a company uses the system of internal control to determine the nature, extent and timing of his audit tests.
• Whose responsibility is it to ensure the existence of a strong system of internal controls?
• What value does a client obtain from the external auditor with respect to internal controls? Explain how the auditor provides that value.
• What is the main role of the internal auditor with respect to internal controls?
• How does the external auditor assure himself that internal audit is effective?
Date posted: March 16, 2018. Answers (1)