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What were the similarities and differences between the British and French systems of administration?


Comparison between British and French systems of administration: Similarities and differences.



1. In both, the positions of chiefs were created.

2. In both, African resources were extensively exploited for Europeans' benefits.

3. Europeans occupied senior administrative positions while Africans were at lower levels.

4. In both, Africans were subjected to oppressive colonial laws such as taxation and forced labour.


1. British allowed traditional rulers to wield more powers while the French undermined traditional African leadership structures.

2. The British mainly used indirect rule while the French adopted the policy of assimilation and later association.

3. British colonies were administered separately by the Governor accountable to Britain while French colonies were regarded as overseas provinces of France.

4. British rule tried to preserve African culture while French rule undermined African culture.

5. Under British rule, elites remained to be subjects while under French rule, assimilies attained full civil and political rights.

6. British administration system was comprised of both professionals and non-professionals while the French system was majorly comprised of military officers with low educational qualifications.

7. Laws applied in the French colonies were made in France while law applied in British colonies was legislated in respective colonies by Legco (legislative Council).

8. The British appointed traditional rulers as chiefs while the French appointed chiefs from the assimilated Africans.

9. French colonies elected representatives into the chamber of deputies in France while in British administration, no representatives were send to the House of Commons.

raphael answered the question on May 3, 2017 at 06:57

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