a) (i) Transaction processing systems (TPSs)
These are computerized systems that perform and record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct the business. An example is a point of sale system. Transaction processing systems serve the operational level of an organization. The inputs to a TPS are transactions and events. The processing consists of listing, sorting, merging, and updating. The outputs are detailed reports, lists and summaries. TPSs specifically serve operational personnel and supervisors. They enable supervisors to make structured decisions by the reports they provide e.g. a decision to restock based on the stock levels report.
(ii) Management Information Systems (MISs)
These are information systems at the management level of an organization that serve the functions of planning, controlling and decision making by providing routine summary and exception reports. The inputs to an MIS include summary transaction data, high volume data and simple models. The processing consists of routine reports, simple models and low-level analysis. The information outputs include summary and exception reports. MISs specifically server middle managers. They enable them to make structured decisions.
(iii) Decision Support System (DSSs)
These are information systems at the organization?s management level that combine data and sophisticated analytical models or data analysis tools to support non-routine decision making. The information inputs to a DSS include low-volume data or massive databases optimized for data analysis, analytical models and data analysis tools. The processing consists of interactive simulations and analysis. The outputs consists of special reports, decision analyses and responses to queries. DSSs specifically serve professionals and staff managers. They enable them to make unstructured decisions e.g. business contract analysis, corporate planning and forecasting.
(iv) Executive Support Systems
These are information systems at the organization?s strategic level designed to address unstructured decision making through advanced graphics and communication. ESSs have aggregate external and internal data ad information inputs. The processing is interactive and it?s characterized by graphics and simulations. The information outputs of an ESS include projections and response to queries. ESSs specifically serve middle managers. They enable them to make unstructured decisions e.g. processing a loan application.
b) Expert system
This is a knowledge intensive program that captures the expertise of a human in limited domains of knowledge.
General database
This contains relevant common knowledge such as historical information, statistical data, coefficients, constants, etc
Inference engine
This is the software component of the expert system that evaluates and manipulates facts and rules in the knowledge base. It then makes associations and inferences resulting in a recommended action for a user.
Knowledge acquisition model
It?s used by experts to enter facts and rules into the system. This usually happens with the assistance of the knowledge engineer.
Explanatory Interface (Part of the User Interface)
This shows the trail of reasoning used to reach a decision. It outlines facts used, the rules applied and the order of application.
Uses of expert systems in business applications
1. Medical underwriting systems for health insurance firms.
These could be used to underwrite applicants for health insurance after assessing their eligibility and medical risks.
2. Loan underwriting systems
These could be used to make credit worthiness decisions on loan requests.
3. Investment banking systems
These could be used to ensure that financial advisers of such institutions respect their clients? preferences (e.g. which stocks or which sectors to exclude when making purchases). This is achieved through a rule-based system that maintains rules keeping a particular stock item from entering a client?s portfolio.
4. Insurance claim estimation systems
They attempt to produce an accurate estimation of insurance claims.
5. Customer service systems
They direct customer enquiries to a specific source of help without delay.
Gregorymasila1 answered the question on March 28, 2018 at 14:39
- Boni Wholesalers Ltd. Provides a variety if goods to customers in Nairobi. The wholesale business is owned and managed by Mr. Boniface Ndambuki. Mr....(Solved)
Boni Wholesalers Ltd. Provides a variety if goods to customers in Nairobi. The wholesale business is owned and managed by Mr. Boniface Ndambuki. Mr. Boni purchases goods on credit from his well established suppliers. He has a large box-file containing supplier details and another equally large one containing commodity details. The commodity file also indicates the levels of inventory held in the store.
When a customer makes his order, the sales office accesses the commodity file to check if there is sufficient stock of the required items. If there is sufficient stock, then the sales office prepares a delivery note which is forwarded to the accounts office where an invoice is prepared. The invoice and the delivery note accompany the goods from the store to the customer who prepares a payment cheque for Boni Wholesalers Ltd. A copy of the delivery note is filed in the commodity file which now shows that the stock has reduced by the amount delivered to the customer.
Sometimes the stock of the required item is not sufficient to service the customer order. In this case the supplier‟s file is accessed to select the supplier that Boni
Wholesalers Ltd. Will order from. The sales office then produces purchase orders and dispatches them to the selected supplier. The supplier prepares his own invoice and delivery note which accompany the ordered goods to the stores of Boni Wholesalers Ltd. Once received, the invoice is forwarded to the accounts office for payment to the supplier. The delivery note is used to update the commodity as well as the supplier details files.
Required: a) In what ways can a business organization be considered as a system? Derive illustrations from Boni Wholesalers.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain each of the following micro computer hardware/software devices:
(a) Cache memory; ...(Solved)
Explain each of the following micro computer hardware/software devices:
(a) Cache memory;
(b) Coprocessor;
(c) Device driver;
(d) Disk caching;
(e) Expansion card;
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Information is a vital resource and most organizations are investing heavily in its management. It is therefore critical to protect data and information from...(Solved)
(a) Information is a vital resource and most organizations are investing heavily in its management. It is therefore critical to protect data and information from accidental or deliberate unauthorized modification or destruction. The information system itself must be protected from unauthorized interference so that it continues to meet its objective of continuing to provide information to various users. Required: (i.) Make two recommendations on physical security measures your organization‟s information system (2 marks) (ii.) Explain how “Backup” and “Uninterruptible Power Supply” are security measures. (2 marks)
(iii.) Discuss two security features that most operating systems have. (2 marks) (iv.) Name two disasters that information systems should be guarded against. (2 marks) (v.) Why do you think an information security policy is necessary for your organization? (2 marks)
b) Computer viruses pose a danger to the integrity of micro-computer systems. Fortunately a variety of anti-virus tools are available to detect, identify and remove viruses using a wide range of techniques. Required:
(i.) What is a computer virus?
(ii.) Name two anti-virus tools.
(iii.) Suggest two administrative measures that your organization should take to check the threats of computer viruses.
(iv.) Name two environmental factors that should be controlled so that they do not affect the operation of the computer.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
a) List five types of systems
b) Explain the following characteristics of a system:
(i.) Differentiation;
(ii.) Equifinality;
(iii.) Feedback;
(iv.) Transformation;
(v.) Entropy;
a) List five types of systems
b) Explain the following characteristics of a system:
(i.) Differentiation;
(ii.) Equifinality;
(iii.) Feedback;
(iv.) Transformation;
(v.) Entropy;
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) (i.) What is a Decision Support System (DSS)?
(ii.) Describe the major DSS software components.
(b) (i.) What is...(Solved)
(a) (i.) What is a Decision Support System (DSS)?
(ii.) Describe the major DSS software components.
(b) (i.) What is an expert system?
(ii.) List four advantages of using an Expert System in decision making.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- In data communication, the communication channel is the route along which data is transmitted. The transmission of data can be described by the following four...(Solved)
In data communication, the communication channel is the route along which data is transmitted. The transmission of data can be described by the following four characteristics:
A. Direction of flow of data.
B. Communication lines.
C. Speed of data transmission.
D. Mode of data transmission.
Required: For each of the following data communication concepts/devices, indicate under which ONE of the above listed characteristics A-D they would best fall: ii. Protocol; iii. Half duplex; iv. Fibre optics; v. Simplex; vi. Analog signal; vii. Micro wave; viii. Band width; ix. Start/stop bit; x. Voice bad.
Explain the term internetworking within the context of data communication. How does a call-back unit and data-encryption equipment enhance security in a computer network?
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Masaku Engineering Co. Ltd, a company that is involved in the design and manufacturing of various products realizes that, in order to remain ahead of...(Solved)
Masaku Engineering Co. Ltd, a company that is involved in the design and manufacturing of various products realizes that, in order to remain ahead of its competitors, it must introduce Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques.
a) Define what is meant by „Computer Assisted Design‟ techniques
b) List and describe briefly FOUR potential benefits, the company is likely to experience in the adoption of CAD
c) List five physical security procedures that Masaku might adopt to make sure that its information is secure.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) Before systems are put into organisational use, they should be well tested to ensure that the system being delivered is working as expected before...(Solved)
a) Before systems are put into organisational use, they should be well tested to ensure that the system being delivered is working as expected before it is implemented.
(i) What factors would determine the scope of system testing?
(ii) Who are involved in the testing process?
(iii) What do you consider to be limitations of software testing?
b) Decision support systems (DSS) are ISs that support managers in arriving at decisions in semi-structured problems. State any FOUR characteristics of DSS. Identify too the THREE main components of the DSS.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) Project management software can offer useful tool for managing projects. i) Identify the functions of project management software
ii) What are...(Solved)
a) Project management software can offer useful tool for managing projects. i) Identify the functions of project management software
ii) What are the typical inputs required for the software?
iii) Outline the major merits and demerits of using a project management software in the project management process
b) Outline the key steps in the systems acquisition process
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) The systems implementation stage of SDLC involves getting the new system into use as smoothly and quickly as possible. Briefly explain the main activities...(Solved)
a) The systems implementation stage of SDLC involves getting the new system into use as smoothly and quickly as possible. Briefly explain the main activities in the implementation stage.
b) Fourth Generation Languages (4GLs) make rapid applications development faster for many programmers. What are 4GLs?
c) It has been suggested that for any business to derive strategic advantage from information systems there has to be alignment between the business strategy and the IS/IT strategy. Define what a business strategy for IT is and show why it is important for organisations to have an IS/ IT strategy.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) Explain the following tools for documenting and modelling user requirements
i) Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) ...(Solved)
a) Explain the following tools for documenting and modelling user requirements
i) Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) ii) Entity Life Histories
b) What are the desirable characteristics of a user-friendly system
c) Common computer outputs include printed reports and on screen reports. Explain the main classifications of reports.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) State the characteristics of a quality software product ...(Solved)
a) State the characteristics of a quality software product b) Explain the following terms as they relate to systems development: i) Quality management ii) Quality assurance
iii) Quality control
(2 marks)
c) In assessing the economic feasibility of MIS projects, it is important to identify the costs and benefits of New Systems. Identify Costs and benefits of new systems
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- a) Define contingency planning and outline the contents of a contingency plan.
b) In ensuring control over the IS department resources, the company can...(Solved)
a) Define contingency planning and outline the contents of a contingency plan.
b) In ensuring control over the IS department resources, the company can adopt physical or logical access controls. With appropriate examples, explain the two forms of control. c) Define the following terms as they related to information systems.
i) Hackers
ii) Viruses
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between static and dynamic testing as used in system analysis and design(Solved)
Differentiate between static and dynamic testing as used in system analysis and design.
Date posted: March 24, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between adaptive and probabilistic systems (Solved)
Distinguish between adaptive and probabilistic systems.
Date posted: March 24, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the term environment as used in information systems(Solved)
Explain the term environment as used in information systems.
Date posted: March 24, 2018. Answers (1)
- What are the physical parts of a computer?(Solved)
What are the physical parts of a computer?
Date posted: March 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- List any four likely causes of data and program loss in a computer system?(Solved)
List any four likely causes of data and program loss in a computer system?
Date posted: March 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- Write a program that solves a quadratic equation gives the answer for the roots.(Solved)
Write a program that solves a quadratic equation gives the answer for the roots.
Date posted: March 8, 2018. Answers (1)
- Write a C++ program that accepts an integer and checks whether it is even or odd and then prints an appropriate message(Solved)
Write a C++ program that accepts an integer and checks whether it is even or odd and then prints an appropriate message.
Date posted: March 8, 2018. Answers (1)