Physical attractiveness.
This is a key determinant for attraction in both sexes. It plays an important role in the initial stages of getting to know each other and continues to play an important role in the course of commitment as the relationship evolves.
Hypothesis match. Males and females of approximate equal attractiveness are likely to choose each other as marriage partners. Evidence is seen to married couples who tend to be similar, chances of breaking up are minimal.
Similarity effects.
Most married couples seems to be similar in age, race, religion, social, personality, education and attitude. The greater the similarities, the happier the couple. This is also similar in friends who are relatively similar in education, occupation, Status and religion. Dating partners gradually modifies their attitudes making it more similar. [Attitude alignment].
Reciprocity effects.
In interpersonal attraction, Reciprocity involves liking those who like us.
Reciprocating attraction involves showing positive feedbacks to those who like us thus making them feel good about themselves.
Romantic ideals.
People want their partners to measure up their ideals. These ideals are personal qualifications that one wants to find in his or her partner. For example, good looks, high standards and sense of humor. People routinely evaluate how close their partners are to matching these standards. These evaluations determine the relationships growth.
Romantic relations are characterized by two types of love, (i) Passionate love- This is complete absorption in another and intense emotions. (ii) Companionate love- this involves trust, tolerance and affection to another person.
skilled writter answered the question on April 1, 2018 at 18:23
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