(a) Fishing has resulted in the exploitation of such water resources as seas, oceans, swamps, rivers and ponds. This has reduced the over reliance on a few economic activities such as agriculture thus diversifying the economy.
(b) Fishing is a source of food. Fish is relatively cheap but rich source of proteins and oils rich in vitamin A and D. Fish fat is a valuable source of energy for the human body. Fish also contains important minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium, which are vital for the growth of the human body.
(c) Fishing has created employment opportunities. Fishing is a labour intensive industry. People are employed in fishing and its supportive activities such as boat building and maintenance, net making, fish processing, canning and transport.
(d) Fishing is a source of foreign income. Some of the fish caught are exported thus earning the country foreign exchange. Both local and foreign tourists engage in sport fishing in the rivers and seas and they pay for the services.
(e) Fishing has led to the development of subsidiary industries. These are industries that use fish as a raw material such as the cosmetic industry and pharmaceutical industry.
Outline the significance of the Fishing Industry in Kenya.
(a) A source of income to fishermen and traders when they sell their catch to co-operatives and customers at a profit.
(b) A source of employment such as for those employed to catch fish, in fishing related industries such as making and repairing of boats and officers and clerks of co-operatives.
(c) It is a tourist attraction as it is a sporting activity done for enjoyment which is a source of foreign exchange and revenue to the government.
(d) A source of protein and food because it’s a major dish to some communities such as around L.Victoria and along the coastal strip.
(e) Has led to development of industries such as those depending on fish as a raw material e.g. fertilizer plants, for making cod liver oil, etc.
(f) A source of medicine whereby cod liver oil is used in alleviation of chest problems .
(g) Fish oil is used directly or indirectly as a source of cooking fat.
(h) For biological control of mosquitoes by introducing it in water so as to feed on mosquito larvae thereby reducing mosquitoes and hence incidents of malaria transmission.
(i) Has led to development of transport system by e.g. an all weather road from Kitale to Kalokol has made it easier for the fish from L.Turkana to get to the market.
Faimus answered the question on April 2, 2018 at 12:18
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Give three physical conditions that favour development of North Atlantic fishing ground.
Date posted: March 31, 2018. Answers (1)
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Explain how the following affect the surface run-off water
a) amount of rainfall
b) the gradient of the land
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State the similar characteristics between Marine fishing in Kenya and Tanzania
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(b) What the main species of fish caught in the lake
(c) Which methods...(Solved)
(a) What are the factors favouring fishing in Lake Kyoga in Uganda
(b) What the main species of fish caught in the lake
(c) Which methods of fishing are used in the lake
(d) Highlight the problems facing fishing in the lake
Date posted: March 30, 2018. Answers (1)
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Fish farming accounts for part of inland fishing in the country. What regulations and conditions have to be met by an individual who intends to pursue fish farming as an economic activity?
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(b) What the main species of reared in the ponds
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(a) Which are the main fish hatcheries in the country
(b) What the main species of reared in the ponds
(c) Give any two importance of fish farming in Kenya
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(b) What the main species of fish caught in the lake(Solved)
(a) Highlight any two problems facing fishing in Lake Naivasha
(b) What the main species of fish caught in the lake
Date posted: March 30, 2018. Answers (1)
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State the problems facing fishing in Lake Turkana
Date posted: March 30, 2018. Answers (1)
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Date posted: March 30, 2018. Answers (1)
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Give the methods that are used in large scale fishing in the major fishing grounds in the world.
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Give an example of anadromous fish
Date posted: March 26, 2018. Answers (1)