Discuss the problems facing fishing industry in Kenya and their possible solutions.
(a) Overfishing resulting from use of small meshed nets and unlicensed fishermen resulting in extinction of such species.
- Restrictions should be made on the type of net that should be used.
- Licensing a selected number of fishermen and limiting their catch per day.
- Fish farming to ease pressure on natural fishing grounds.
(b) Pollution of water bodies by oil spillage and seepage of industrial and agricultural chemicals into water which kills marine organisms and prohibits introduction of fish into such waters.
- Agricultural activities should be prohibited close to fishing grounds.
- Legislation should be put in place to check disposal of wastes from industries.
(c) Transport problem as key fisheries being far from centres of population which causes many places to rarely receive fresh fish e.g. L.Turkana.
- Roads should be tarmacked for efficient transportation of fish.
(d) Lack of adequate market due to many communities having not developed fish eating culture, availability of agricultural products such as beef and pork, many fishing grounds being found in sparsely populated areas, many fishing grounds being found far away from potential markets and inability by many people to afford fish due to being expensive due to transport costs being passed on to consumers.
- Roads to the potential markets should be improved.
- People should be educated on the importance of fish in the diet so as to develop fish eating culture,
(e) Inadequate capital making fishermen unable to afford fishing equipment with speed and greater capacity making them unable to venture into deep waters where there is more fish and modern preservation facilities limiting their catch per day.
- Fishermen should form co-operatives so as to get financial assistance.
(f) Location of marine waters within tropical latitudes where there is warm water limiting the growth of plankton.
(g) Narrow continental shelf hence less fish.
- Modern fishing methods and equipment can enable fishermen to go into deep waters where there is abundant fish.
(h) Fluctuation of volume of water in rivers and lakes due to seasonal variation of rainfall and prolonged droughts which causes fish death or migration e.g. Turkana after damming of R. Omo in Ethiopia.
- Conserving water catchment areas to ensure regular supply of water.
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