(a) Internal controls
(i) Controls contributing to the orderly and efficient running of the
business, safeguarding the assets and adherence to management policies
would include the following:
? Physical controls over access to the assets such as the locking of
doors and the maintenance of an appropriate fire and flood resistant
? Insurance against disaster and contingency plans;
? The use of passwords for access to computers and plant and
? The numerical or other tagging of all equipment, referenced to an
asset register;
? Performing periodic asset audits;
? Internal regulations requiring staff who take equipment such as
laptops and motor vehicles home to ensure that they are secure, and
prohibiting staff from using their own software on company
? The maintenance of firewalls and virus checking software.
(ii) Controls contributing to the prevention of fraud and error, and the
completeness and accuracy of the accounting records would include the
? The preparation and monitoring of capital expenditure budgets
together with authorisation of capital expenditure,
? Disposals and depreciation rates by independent persons at an
appropriate level within the organisation who do not have day-to-day
responsibility for the related records or assets;
? The maintenance of an asset register that is reconciled to the general
ledger and the assets themselves;
? The periodic checking and review of asset lives, and fully depreciated
assets, to ensure that assets are being depreciated correctly, over an
appropriate period of time.
(b) Description
(i) Judgement and statistical sampling
Judgement sampling uses the auditor’s judgement to select the number of
items to be tested, which items to be tested, and to interpret the results.
Statistical sampling uses probability theory to do the same. Some
judgement is always used in statistical sampling in the assessment of
materiality and in the determination of what constitutes tolerable error, for
(ii) Representative sample
A representative sample is one whose characteristics are the same as, or
similar to, the characteristics of the population as a whole. All sample
selection methods attempt to select samples that are representative.
For example, a sample of invoices that have not been properly authorised
in 5% of cases will be representative of all invoices if the population as a
whole also has around 5% of invoices not authorised.
(iii) Tolerable error
Tolerable error is the maximum error that the auditor is prepared to accept
and still conclude that the audit objective has been achieved.
For example, in relation to receivables, the auditor may be prepared to
form the conclusion that receivables are not materially misstated if
sampling shows that the receivables population has a value that is within
plus or minus, say, 5% of the figure in the financial statements.
(iv) Different methods of sample selection
Random selection requires the use of random number tables in order to
select a representative sample.
Haphazard selection may be deemed to approximate to random selection
provided that no bias is displayed.
Interval (or systematic) selection involves taking every nth item, starting at
random. Monetary unit sampling is also a form of systematic selection.
Block selection methods (taking one full part of the population) will
probably not result in a representative selection.
Block selection might involve obtaining confirmation of receivables from
one region of the country only, for example.
(v) Extrapolation of errors
Errors found in a sample are extrapolated across the population as a whole,
in order to enable the auditor to form a conclusion on whether the
population is materially misstated. It is important to remember that there is
not necessarily a direct, linear relationship between errors in samples and
errors in the populations from which they are drawn.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on April 3, 2018 at 14:30
- Your firm is the newly appointed external auditor to a large company that
sells, maintains and leases office equipment and furniture to its customers
Your firm is the newly appointed external auditor to a large company that
sells, maintains and leases office equipment and furniture to its customers
and you have been asked to co-operate with internal audit to keep total
audit costs down. The company wants the external auditors to rely on
some of the work already performed by internal audit.
The internal auditors provide the following services to the company:
(i) A cyclical audit of the operation of internal controls in the company’s
major functions (operations, finance, customer support and
information services);
(ii) A review of the structure of internal controls in each major function
every four years;
(iii) An annual review of the effectiveness of measures put in place by
management to minimise the major risks facing the company.
During the current year, the company has gone through a major internal
restructuring in its information services function and the internal auditors
have been closely involved in the preparation of plans for restructuring,
and in the related post-implementation review.
a) Explain the extent to which your firm will seek to rely on the work of
the internal auditors in each of the areas noted above.
b) Describe the information your firm will seek from the internal auditors
in order for you to determine the extent of your reliance.
c) Describe the circumstances in which it would not be possible to rely on
the work of the internal auditors.
d) Explain why it will be necessary for your firm to perform its own work
in certain audit areas in addition to relying on the work performed by
internal audit.
Date posted: April 3, 2018. Answers (1)
- Why would a company not share all its profits to shareholders?(Solved)
Why would a company not share all its profits to shareholders?
Date posted: March 30, 2018. Answers (1)
- You are auditing the financial statements of Newbridge Trading plc, for the year-ended 31 October 1997.
The senior partner of your audit firm has...(Solved)
You are auditing the financial statements of Newbridge Trading plc, for the year-ended 31 October 1997.
The senior partner of your audit firm has asked you to consider the auditor‟s responsiresponsibilities for identifying subsequent events. Also, he has asked you to describe the audit procedures, which examine subsequent events. He has suggested that an example of one point in answer to part (b) below would be:
„Checking sales ledger cash received after the year-end to determine the realisability of debtors at the year-end and highlight doubtful debts.‟
The detailed audit work was completed on Friday 5 December 1997. It is proposed that:
a) The audit report will be signed on Friday 19 December;
b) The financial statements will be sent to shareholders on Monday 5 January 1998; and
c) The company‟s annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 January 1998.
a) Consider the auditor‟s responsibilities for detecting material subsequent events in the periods:
i) 31 October to 5 December 1997 ii) 5 December to 19 December 1997 iii) 19 December 1997 to 5 January 1998
iv) 5 January 1998 to 28 January 1998
v) After 28 January 1998
b) List and briefly explain audit procedures, which involve examination of subsequent events.
c) Describe the audit work you will carry out in period (a) (ii) above.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) What is meant by the term "fraud"? Give four examples of fraudulent activities.(Solved)
(a) What is meant by the term "fraud"? Give four examples of fraudulent activities.
(b) What do you consider to be the auditor?s responsibilities in the course of
the normal annual audit in relation to the detection of fraud?
(c) Explain the way in which the auditor should approach and perform his work in order to meet these responsibilities.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Emali Co. Ltd. has undergone a period of substantial growth following its establishment five years ago. At the last annual general meeting Smith &...(Solved)
Emali Co. Ltd. has undergone a period of substantial growth following its establishment five years ago. At the last annual general meeting Smith & Co. Associates, a tow-partner firm of Certified Public Accountants were re-appointed as auditors. However, Smith & Co. Associates have decided that they do not have the necessary resources to audit the enlarge company.
a) Briefly, explain how Smith & Co. Associates may resign from its appointment before the next annual general meting.
b) How any a casual vacancy arising from the resignation of present auditors be filled and what procedures are necessary before the company‟s next annual general meeting at which the appointment will be presented for ratification?
c) Outline the steps the prospective auditor must take before deciding whether or not to accept the nomination as an auditor.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Explain why auditors carry out circularisation of debtors. (b) Distinguish between positive and negative debtors circularisation procedures. (c) Describe in...(Solved)
(a) Explain why auditors carry out circularisation of debtors.
(b) Distinguish between „positive? and „negative? debtors circularisation procedures.
(c) Describe in detail the work you would carry out in scrutinizing the replies to the debtors circularisation and in confirming whether the debtors balances are collectable in the following situations:
i. where the debtor does not agree with the balance and states a difference; (6 marks)
ii. where the debtor reports that he cannot confirm the balance
iii. where no reply is received from the debtor
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- You have been asked by the partners of your firm to prepare a draft memorandum on materiality which will provide guidance to members of...(Solved)
You have been asked by the partners of your firm to prepare a draft memorandum on materiality which will provide guidance to members of staff in conducting the audit of the accounts of limited companies.
a)Define materiality.
b) Explain the importance of this concept to the auditor.
c) Suggest some criteria for determining cut-off point in order to assess the materiality of an error.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- John Mutiso bought shares of Sh.2 million six months ago in Kenya Company Limited which has since gone into liquidation. He intends to sue...(Solved)
John Mutiso bought shares of Sh.2 million six months ago in Kenya Company Limited which has since gone into liquidation. He intends to sue XYZ & Co. Certified Public Accountants for the imminent loss of Sh. 2 million which he is likely to suffer. XYZ & Co. had audited the Kenya Company Ltd. The previous year and issued an unqualified report. John Mutiso claims that he solely relied on the audit report when he took that investment decision.
a) Do the auditors, XYZ & Co. have any liability to Mr. John Mutiso?
b) What circumstances must Mr. John Mutiso demonstrate if he has to succeed against the auditors?
c) State the measures XYZ & Co. should undertake to minimize potential liability for professional negligence.
Date posted: March 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between Accrual concept and Prudence concept(Solved)
Distinguish between Accrual concept and Prudence concept.
Date posted: March 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the following concepts a).Depreciationb) Amortizationc) Depletion(Solved)
Explain the following
a) Depreciation
b) Amortization
c) Depletion
Date posted: March 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- The auditing guideline on ‘recording’ requires audit working papers to be sufficient complete and detailed so that an experienced auditor who has no previous connection...(Solved)
The auditing guideline on ‘recording’ requires audit working papers to be sufficient complete and detailed so that an experienced auditor who has no previous connection with the audit is able to subsequently ascertain from working papers the work performed and to further support the conclusions reached thereon.
(a) State four benefits that the auditor will obtain from the working papers that meet the above requirements.
(b) Outline the contents of a typical:
(i) Current audit file;
(ii) Permanent audit file.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- You are the audit manager in charge of Car Alarms Ltd. Whose financial year ended on 31 March 1993. Due to the tight schedule...(Solved)
You are the audit manager in charge of Car Alarms Ltd. Whose financial year ended on 31 March 1993. Due to the tight schedule of your programmes you are unable to devote anytime at the client‟s premises. Therefore you have delegated the responsibility to the audit senior.
(a) State the procedures you would follow to control the audit up to completion stage.
(b) Explain the matters you would pay attention to in order to achieve you firm‟s quality control targets.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give four examples of internal audit work that may be used by the external auditor (Solved)
Give four examples of internal audit work that may be used by the external auditor
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the matters you would consider and the work you would perform to enable you assess the extent to which you would rely on the...(Solved)
Explain the matters you would consider and the work you would perform to enable you assess the extent to which you would rely on the work of the internal audit department of your client
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Distinguish between internal audit and internal check ...(Solved)
Distinguish between internal audit and internal check
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- What are the similarities between internal and external audits? (Solved)
What are the similarities between internal and external audits?
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the following types of Audits:
i. Statutory Audits;
ii. Internal Audits;
iii. Private Audits;
iv. Management Audits;
Describe the following types of Audits:
i. Statutory Audits;
ii. Internal Audits;
iii. Private Audits;
iv. Management Audits;
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- In addition to shareholders, many different parties are interested in the audited accounts of a company. Name FOUR such parties and state the significance...(Solved)
In addition to shareholders, many different parties are interested in the audited accounts of a company. Name FOUR such parties and state the significance of audited accounts to each one of them.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the 4 main methods of determining depreciation(Solved)
Discuss the 4 main methods of determining depreciation.
Date posted: March 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) Define control accounts (b) State the two main types of control accounts (c) State the purpose of control account(Solved)
(a) Define control accounts (b) State the two main types of control accounts (c) State the purpose of control account
Date posted: March 21, 2018. Answers (1)