Explain the development and impact of trans Saharan trade to the communities living in north Africa in the 4th century AD


Explain the development and impact of trans Saharan trade to the communities living in north Africa in the 4th century AD



Development of trans Saharan trade;
1. Availability of oases that provided water for the people of north Africa, to improve their lifestyle and also their animals such as camels.
2. The Tuareg's in the desert provided security to the traders and acted as guide to the community.
3. Existence of powerful kings in west Africa who provided security for example Mansa Musa of Mali
4.Existence of well established trade routes which provides easy movement of traders from one place to another.
5. Introduction of camels as a means of transport, Camels counted as most important means of transport within the communities where by it makes easy way of transporting goods and services from one place to another.
Impact of trans Saharan trade;
1. Establishment of Empires kingdoms for example Ghana, Mali and Songhai which provided law and orders to the people.
2. It leads to intermarriage between people from North and those from west Africa which led to increase in population.
3. It led to development of urban centers such as Gao, Kano, Jenne, Walata and Timbuktu.
4. It led to slave trade where there an increase in insecurity, misery and death and depopulation where by people lived in fear due to poor mistreatment.
5. It led to spread of i
Islam and erosion and pre-existing culture in the region.
Mabongajoel answered the question on April 6, 2018 at 11:39

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