Describe the process compost preparation in an agricultural farm.


Describe the process compost preparation in an agricultural farm.



-Collect organic wastes and store in a dry, cool and covered place to prevent water and nutrient loss.
-Chop coarse woody material to encourage decomposition.
-If material is dry, soak it in water before mixing.
-Put a layer of bulky twigs and branches at the bottom to allow drainage of excess water.
-Pile up coarse dry material and fresh green material in alternating layers.
-Add manure to each layer to enhance the composting process.
-If you have dug a new pit, add some soil in layers.
-Sprinkle wood ash in thin layers to increase the potassium content.
-On finishing the heap cover it with 10cm grass or straw to protect it from drying.
-After two to three weeks, the hot phase will be over and the heap decreased to half its original size. Turn it.
Turn it two months later. Turning helps accelerate the decomposition process, but is not essential if the heap has been set up properly and kept moist.
The compost is ready two to three months after setting up the heap.

jim items answered the question on April 6, 2018 at 08:27

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