Ways of discerning gifts of the holy spirit are as follows,
Spiritual passion-this is entails what one is deeply interested in service to God and does it willingly.
Through prophecy-this is divine spiritual utterance upon ones life regarding to his/her gift by a person who is divinely inspired.
Personal enjoyment-one finds great enjoyment in exercising his or her and does it freely with joy in the heart.
Realization by others-If one's gift is by the will of God,other members of the church will recognize it and have great interest on how it can remain active by being utilized for the glory of the Lord.
Giftedness drift- this is a situation where people respond naturally to challenges and assignments that call for their gifts even without knowing.
Attraction to specific people- great interest is developed by people to others who posses such similar gift thus one can realize his or her gift in this way.
Little big principle-God entrusts one with a gift according to his own will and insight.The Lord expect us to use the gifts for his glory.whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much,whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.(Luke 16:10)
Online test-various online website have come up with questions where after successfully submitting one can discern his or her gift after getting the results.
state the criteria for discerning of the spiritual gifts .
The gift must glorify Jesus so that one who is under the influence of th Holy
Spirit will be able to recognize Jesus as lord and savior
The gifts must not call Jesus accursed
The test of love. The gift must be accompanied with a good or true frit. To discover whether or
not the person who has the holy spirit must bear the fruits of the spirit
One who is user the influence if the Holy Spirit is known by his or her way of life.
He/she will act and behave in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.
Doctrinal test for example, prophecy should always in agreement with the scripture because the
Holy Spirit cannot contradict what is written
Loyalty or conformity to Jesus. The gift doesn’t envy other believers The gift must be
subject to the word of God
The true gift will be guided by principles of sincerity and honesty
The true gift will humbly submit to God
The gift should encourage the growth of the church and edify her
Muchiri Samson answered the question on April 8, 2018 at 14:08
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