The diagram below shows a set - up that was used to demonstrate fermentation


The diagram below shows a set - up that was used to demonstrate fermentation
Glucose solution was boiled and added on top it. The glucose solution was then allowed to cool before yeast suspension was added.
(a) Why was the glucose solution boiled before adding the yeast Suspension?
(b) What was the importance of cooling the glucose solution before adding the yeast suspension?
(c) What was the use of oil in the experiment?
(d) What observation would be made in test tube B at the end of the experiment?
(e) Suggest a control for this experiment.



(a) To drive out or expel oxygen

(b) To avoid killing yeast cells or denaturing enzymes in yeast.

(c) To prevent air (especially oxygen) from getting into the glucose and yeast suspension

(d) Lime water forms a white precipitate, bubbles are formed

(e) Used boiled yeast on glucose
johnmulu answered the question on May 4, 2017 at 08:04

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