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Tourism creates various problems in Kenya. Highlight some of those problems created by tourism


Tourism creates various problems in Kenya. Highlight some of those problems created by tourism in Kenya.



(a) Some tourists would like to buy souvenirs in the form of game trophies. Since there is a ready market, poachers will kill the animals to meet demand for this products hence encouraging poaching.
(b) Some tourists visit the country with the purpose of trafficking drugs. They establish export bases to some established destinations while at the same time selling drugs locally
(c) Tourism also leads to increase in crime. The presence of tourists attracts criminals especially thieves who intend to rob the tourists of their valuables.
(d) The presence of tourists from diverse backgrounds may lead to the erosion of social values of the local people who may prefer the foreign culture.
(e) During the peak seasons, many hotels and lodges are fully booked for several weeks leading to a shortage in accommodation. This could make the cost of services in the hotels and game lodges to go up. This discourages domestic tourists from visiting local attractions.
Faimus answered the question on April 7, 2018 at 10:39

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