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Give some of the similarities between tourism in Kenya and in Switzerland.


Give some of the similarities between tourism in Kenya and in Switzerland.



(a) Switzerland has many waterfalls associated with hanging valleys. Kenya has a variety of waterfalls along her rivers.
(b) Switzerland has a national park with a variety of plants and animal life. Kenya also has a number of national parks with a large variety of plants and animal life.
(c) Both countries have springs which are considered health spas and thus tourist attractions.
(d) There are domestic and international tourists in both countries.
(e) In both countries package tours are encouraged and comprise a large number of tourists.


Give the similarities of tourists attraction in Kenya and Switzerland.

- Both countries have beautiful sceneries.

- Both countries have a rich cultural heritage which is a major tourist

- Both have good accommodation facilities for the tourists e.g. hotels.

- Both countries enjoy relative peace.

- Both countries have game parks.

Faimus answered the question on April 7, 2018 at 13:50

Next: Highlight the problems facing and arising from the tourism industry in Switzerland.
Previous: State the reasons why many Kenyans do not travel in their country.

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