a) Respiration or aerobic respiration
b) To kill bacteria/ fungi/ micro-organisms that would cause decay/ decomposition or respiration of the micro-organisms which could raise heat
c) To conserve heat/ prevent heat loss to surrounding
d) Use a similar set-up with dead disinfected boiled seeds or use dry bean seeds
johnmulu answered the question on May 4, 2017 at 11:58
- State two ways in which anaerobic respiration is applied in industries (Solved)
State two ways in which anaerobic respiration is applied in industries
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- How are the mitochondria adapted their functions? (Solved)
How are the mitochondria adapted their functions?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain how anaerobic respiration is applied in sewage treatment (Solved)
Explain how anaerobic respiration is applied in sewage treatment
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain what happens when there is oxygen debt in human muscles (Solved)
Explain what happens when there is oxygen debt in human muscles
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give three factors that determine the amount of energy a human being require in a day (Solved)
Give three factors that determine the amount of energy a human being require in a day
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Name the products of anaerobic respiration in
(i) Plants(ii) Animals
(b) What is oxygen debt?(Solved)
(a) Name the products of anaerobic respiration in
(i) Plants(ii) Animals
(b) What is oxygen debt?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) A dog weighing 15.2 kg requires 216kj while a mouse weighing 50g requires 2736kj per day. Explain.
(b) What is the end-product of respiration in animals when there is insufficient oxygen supply?(Solved)
(a) A dog weighing 15.2 kg requires 216kj while a mouse weighing 50g requires 2736kj per day. Explain.
(b) What is the end-product of respiration in animals when there is insufficient oxygen supply?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) In what form is energy stored in muscles.
(b) State the economic importance of anaerobic respiration in plants. (Solved)
(a) In what form is energy stored in muscles.
(b) State the economic importance of anaerobic respiration in plants.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Name the substance which accumulates in muscles when respiration occurs with insufficient oxygen. (Solved)
Name the substance which accumulates in muscles when respiration occurs with insufficient oxygen.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Other than carbon dioxide, name other products of anaerobic respiration (Solved)
Other than carbon dioxide, name other products of anaerobic respiration
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give two reasons why accumulation of lactic acid during vigorous exercise leads to an increase in heartbeat. (Solved)
Give two reasons why accumulation of lactic acid during vigorous exercise leads to an increase in heartbeat.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- What are the three end products of anaerobic respiration in plants.(Solved)
What are the three end products of anaerobic respiration in plants.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows a set - up that was used to demonstrate fermentation(Solved)
The diagram below shows a set - up that was used to demonstrate fermentation

Glucose solution was boiled and added on top it. The glucose solution was then allowed to cool before yeast suspension was added.
(a) Why was the glucose solution boiled before adding the yeast Suspension?
(b) What was the importance of cooling the glucose solution before adding the yeast suspension?
(c) What was the use of oil in the experiment?
(d) What observation would be made in test tube B at the end of the experiment?
(e) Suggest a control for this experiment.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents some gaseous exchange structures in humans.(Solved)
The diagram below represents some gaseous exchange structures in humans.

(a) Name the structure labeled K, L and M.
(b) Name the process by which inhaled air moves from the structure labeled L into blood capillaries
(c) Give the scientific name of the organism that causes tuberculosis in humans
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- (a) Name two structures for gaseous exchange in aquatic plants
(b) What is the effect of contraction of the diaphragm muscles during breathing in mammals? (Solved)
(a) Name two structures for gaseous exchange in aquatic plants
(b) What is the effect of contraction of the diaphragm muscles during breathing in mammals?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below illustrates a blood capillary surrounding a structure for gaseous exchange in human beings (Solved)
The diagram below illustrates a blood capillary surrounding a structure for gaseous exchange in human beings

(a) Name the gases exchange structure.
(b) Identify the gases labelled Y and Z.
(c) How does cigarette smoking lead to lung cancer
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- How is a guard cell structurally adapted for gaseous exchange? (Solved)
How is a guard cell structurally adapted for gaseous exchange?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain each of the following: (i) The tracheoles lack spiral bands of chitin; (ii) The floor of the mouth is lowered during inhalation in a bony fish. (Solved)
Explain each of the following: (i) The tracheoles lack spiral bands of chitin; (ii) The floor of the mouth is lowered during inhalation in a bony fish.
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows the gaseous exchange system of a locust. (Solved)
The diagram below shows the gaseous exchange system of a locust.

(a) Name the structure labelled Q.
(b) State the function of the part labeled R.
(c) How is the part labeled S structurally adapted tom its function?
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents a model used to demonstrate breathing in mammals. (Solved)
The diagram below represents a model used to demonstrate breathing in mammals.

(a) Name the mammalian structure represented by the parts labeled D and E.
(i) D (ii) E
(b) State the observation made when the string is pulled downwards
(c) Explain the observation in (b) above
Date posted: May 4, 2017. Answers (1)