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Explain the applications of Bernoulli’s principle


Explain the applications of Bernoulli’s principle



Applications of Bernoulli’s principle.

1. Car carburetor – inside the carburetor the air passage is partially constricted at the point where petrol mixes with air hence air intake increases the speed of air while decreasing the pressure inside for petrol to vaporize quickly before it gets to the cylinder where combustion occurs.
2. Horizontal pipe – for a streamline flow through a pipe the term p g h is eliminated from the Bernoulli’s equation leaving P + ½pv2 = constant, indicating that pressure in liquid is greatest when speed is least. When this is combined with the equation of continuity, the pressure is then greatest when the pipe is widest hence the following observation.
3. Dynamic lift - when air is blown at the top a flat sheet of paper the ends of the paper moves upward and this because the speed of air on top of the paper is greater than below and according to Bernoulli’s principle the pressure on top lowers and the pressure below becomes sufficient enough to produce a force which moves the paper upwards. This is what is referred to as the dynamic lift since it is caused by motion. The upward force is equal to the product of the pressure difference and the area of the surface lifted. It is applied in the taking off of airplanes, the trajectory of a spinning ball, paint sprayer and Bunsen burner among others.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 8, 2018 at 16:24

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