(i) Unlike manual spreadsheets, electronic spreadsheets have sophisticated analysis tools as well as graphical presentations of data.
(ii) Unlike manual spreadsheets, electronic spreadsheets have superior editing and formatting tools as well as various styles and layouts.
(iii) They have inbuilt recalculation functions that adjust values automatically when changes are made in the spreadsheets, which is non existent in manual spreadsheets.
(iv) The quality of the work is very high because such work is neat and legible compared to paper, pencil and eraser work.
(v) It takes the advantages of computer system such as accuracy, high speed and versatility.
(vi) Electronic spreadsheet has a large sheet for data manipulation.
For instance, in Ms Excel 2003, there are 255 columns and 65536 rows in a single sheet. Ms Excel 2010 has 16384 columns and 1048576 rows.
(vii) Takes advantage of large secondary storage devices in a computer to store voluminous data.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 9, 2018 at 07:37
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