(a) Explain how marine fish regulate their osmotic pressure (b) Explain the role of antidiuretic hormone when there is excess water in the human body


(a) Explain how marine fish regulate their osmotic pressure
(b) Explain the role of antidiuretic hormone when there is excess water in the human body



- Swallow plenty of sea water to increase amount of water in the body

- Have chloride secretory cells in the gills to remove excess salts

- Few/ small glomeruli; thus slow filtration rate in the kidneys

- Eliminate nitrogenous waste in form of trimethylamine which requires little water for excretion

(b) Less ADH is secreted by pituitary gland hence the tubule become less permeable to water, causing less reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules, resulting in a lot of dilute urine
johnmulu answered the question on May 5, 2017 at 04:46

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