Modern means of communication are so significant in various ways,this include;
Modern means of communication can be depended on since they deliver information with relevant evidence such as the source.For example the television.
Reduces distance used to convey information.
A person in Kenya can easily access information about a certain type of car made in made in Japan using a mobile phone made in China and can make relevant purchase order without travelling.This greatly reduces the distance that can be used when accessing and purchasing products.
Acquisition of wide variety of information.
With modern means of communication such as the computer one is able to easily access unlimited useful information within a short period of time.
Enhancement of trade activities.
Modern means of communication have greatly contributed to positive impacts in trade industry.With help of devices such as smartphones and computers, companies connect wirh buyers online and sell their products.Various methods of conducting businesses are displayed using modern communication means.
Increased socialization.
Socialization can be defined as the act of interacting or meeting for social purposes.Through various modern communication means there is a connection and interaction of people with friends,family members and working partners.This Increase strong bond among people.
Improved security.
Many methods of enhancing security have been established by use of modern ways of communication such as computers.For example, security systems are connected in cars,areas of residence and businesses inorder to enhance security by tracking any theft cases.
Harnessement of talents.
Cultural festival that comprise of activities such as traditional songs and drama are conveyed through various modern communication means like television. This help identity talented individuals and give them good opportunities to advance their talents by connecting them with like-minded individuals for more training. Activities such as athletics and football are displayed and this motivates other passionate people to enhance their talents.
Enhanced education opportunities.
This is through engaging in online extensive research.People in many parts of the world including the marginalized are able to acquire online education programmes.A country's education sector can also gather results about successful education system in other countries and establish them in their country.
Increased improvement in health sector.
Health personnel engage in relevant online research pertaining offering of medical services.Through modern communication methods new medical equipment have been invented.This has led to better health of patients and enhanced recovery.Applications containing health information have been invented thus leading to improved physical fitness.
Efficiency and profitable.
Quality Services are offered within short period compared to delivery of services by humans.
Enhanced peacekeeping.
The peace keeping forces easily communicates using modern means with security teams of other nations for collaboration in enhancing peace.For example the kenyan forces communicating with United States forces with an aim of dealing with terrorism cases.
Increased entertainment.
Modern communication devices such a as television broadcast entertainment programmes. Through a smartphone,one can access unlimited entertainment in applications such as YouTube.
Online job opportunities.
Modern communication means like computers require regular maintainance.This creates job chances for those skilled in repairing of the modern devices.One can also work as social network manager,data analyst,online tutor,website master and other online work opportunities.
Muchiri Samson answered the question on April 10, 2018 at 11:12
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