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Explain the problems facing rice growing farmers


Explain the problems facing rice growing farmers.



-High price of fertilizers used on the farms thus hindering production in their farms.
-Costly pesticides/herbicide and ineffective fungicides thus increased pests and weeds growth in production areas.
-Lack of consultancy facilities due to inadequate extension services thus lack of knowledge for the production.
-Lack of credit or finance as the major problems during the rice crop production stage thus inadequate capabilities to ensure rice production.
-Shortage of water used for canals as a way of crop irrigation in their farms.
-High rent charges of agricultural machinery such as combined harvesters thus challenges during harvesting periods.
-Unsatisfactory price offered of the produce thus demoralizing their productivity in rice production.
-Inadequate transport mechanisms thus their rice products are not adequately transported to the market and the customers.
-Dissatisfaction over the initiatives taken by government authorities to resolve the problems faced by the rice farmers thus increased rice production in the farms.
franco crick answered the question on April 12, 2018 at 14:12

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