Satire refers to a way a writer ridicules an individual or the society in a humorous way,with the aim of bringing desirable change.
In Bertolt Brecht play,Caucasian Chalk Circle,satire has been used to expose weakness of leaders who have been entrusted with power and fail to do what is expected of them.People are oppressed and live in misery.The beggars and petitioners are crying that they do not have enough to eat and they feel neglected.
The policing administration is criticized for inhuman treatment of the suffering lot. They lash them with whips to keep them away from the Governor and his family instead of sympathizing with their plight.
The Governor and his wife pretend to be so religious yet they display their contempt for the lowly class.The Governor is a political leader but surprisingly lacks interest in political matters.He ignores the rider who has confidential papers from the capital in preference to personal matters.Instead,he meets the architects to discuss building plans.The Governor is ignorant of serious issues such as meeting held by Princes in the capital in which a coup was planned to withdraw the Grand Duke and his governors.His political nature is being ridiculed because being in a political position means he ought to accord political matters serious consideration.
The Fat Prince pretends to be much pleased with the Governor's family that he even bows and remarks sarcastically that Michael is a 'governor from head to foot' and yet he had planned to kill the governor that very day.When he tells the governor he loves the gay sky,he is not sincere.
Aniko,wife to Lavrenti and sister-in-law to Grusha claims to be religious. However,she is presented as mean,egocentric, selfish and inhospitable. She bullies around her husband and tries to throw Grusha out of the house for the fear of what the neighbours will say for hosting an unmarried woman with a child.
The monks religious hypocrisy is also satirized.He is expected to be religiously inclined but has many weaknesses. He oversees Grusha's marriage to Jussup while drank.He is actually paid to perform the ceremony but as a monk he is the expected to devote his life and time to religious matters which he does not.
Real Educator answered the question on April 19, 2018 at 08:31
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- The River and the Source: Margaret Ogola
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow
“You mean there is bigger white chief than this...(Solved)
The River and the Source: Margaret Ogola
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow
“You mean there is bigger white chief than this Diyo?”Odongo asked.“Looks like it,” replied the twin.“Don’t you think he should have decided? Aunt’s case is after all so clear.”“Maybe he should have taken a longer time to think.”“He probably does not understand the way of Chik.After all he is white.”
“My sons,” said Akoko. “Do not decide the wisdom of a man by the brevity of his quiet or the multitude of his words. It is only a wise man who can decide quickly that he doesn’t know and needs to seek more knowledge. A fool knows everything. It is only a wise man who does not hide his folly behind many words. I think this Diyo will help me.”
Later that evening their benefactor whose name was Otuoma told them of the DO’s conversance with the ways of the people.“Have no doubt, he will deal fairly with you because he knows right from wrong which is more than you can say for some white people. The DO has lived in this place for thirteen years. It is customary for difficult cases to be heard more than once, so that the truth can be fully ascertained.
You just go home and come back in three months. People will soon be sent to hear for themselves what has been happening in your village.”
So at dawn the following day Akoko left for Sakwa with her nephews who later would relate the tale of their adventures to their less lucky peers, later still to their own children and grandchildren. The tale took on mythical proportions in the telling, with their aunt assuming the greatness of the foundress, Nyar Nam, and they themselves joining the great braves of the tribe, at least in their own imagination.
“When my brother and I took my aunt to make an apil (appeal) to the big white chief whose name was Diyo,” would begin Odongo to some round eyed grandson many years later, “We found and overcame many dangers on the way for our courage was boundless. Our aunt walked with her head high for she was the daughter of a chief and the spirit of her ancestors rested fully on her. She faced the white chief unflinchingly, and told him her story, the greed and arrogance of her brother-in-law Otieno, chief by default.
When she got back home, Akoko found that the plunder for her cattle had reached major proportions, the chief having taken advantage of her heaven sent absence. Her first impulse was to storm out and do murder, and be done with it, but reason soon reasserted itself. There was no advantage in knocking one’s head against a tree trunk, at best one may chip off a bark but in return get a large bruise on the head. If you want to cut a tree, take time to sharpen an axe. So she bided her time.
a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context.
b) Identify and illustrate thematic concerns evident in this excerpt.
c) Describe the character of Akoko as brought out in this passage.
d) Apart from this passage, when else in the novel do we find Akoko being decisive?
e) Identify, illustrate and show the importance of two styles used in this passage.
f) Rewrite this sentence in indirect speech.
“You mean there is a bigger chief than this Diyo?” Odongo asked.
g) What is the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage?
i) “…walked with her head high …”
ii) “……no advantage in knocking one’s head against a tree trunk………..”
Date posted: March 1, 2018. Answers (1)