What are the steps required in creating a bar graph in Excel?


List the steps required in creating a bar graph in Excel.



(i) Select the data range to be used in creating a chart. It is recommended that row or column headings are included in range selection.

(ii) Click on the Chart Wizard tool to start the Chart Wizard.
This displays the Chart Wizard dialog box, where you are asked to select a chart type.

(iii) Select Bar Graph from the all types of charts shown in the Chart Type list. ( You can always make changes later). When you select a type, the information in the Chart Sub-type area of the dialog box is changed.

(iv) Click the right Chart Sub-types shown at the right side of the dialog box.

(v) Click on Next. Excel proceeds to the second step of the ChartWizard, where your information is first presented as a chart.

(vi) Make any necessary changes to the data range depicted in the dialog box, then click on Next. Excel displays the third step of the Chart Wizard.

(vii) Using the controls in the dialog box, indicate the title, labels, and other formatting you want used for your chart. As you make changes, notice that the sample chart is updated to reflect your changes.

(viii) When you are satisfied with your formatting settings, click on the Next button. Excel displays the final step of the ChartWizard. Here, you select whether you want your chart embedded in your worksheet or to appear on its own new chart sheet.

(ix) Click on Finish. Your chart is created as you directed.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 10, 2018 at 12:05

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