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Fraction distillation of liquid air usually produces nitrogen and oxygen as the major products 1. Name one substance that is used to remove carbon dioxide...


Fraction distillation of liquid air usually produces nitrogen and oxygen as the major products
1. Name one substance that is used to remove carbon dioxide from the air before it is changed into liquid
2. Describe how nitrogen gas is obtained from the liquid air (boiling points nitrogen = -196 degrees oxygen =-183 degrees



1) use of Na(OH)
2) we first use filtration method to separate dust particles . We then cool the gases to -200°c .The gases are then passed through a mixture of Na(OH) to remove CO2 gas. Oxygen liquifies at -183 while Nitrogen at -196. The mixture is passed in a fractionating column. Liquid Nitrogen boil first and rises to the top of the solution and is piped off for storage while oxygen settles at the bottom
Rophina answered the question on April 11, 2018 at 09:59

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