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Explain the factors affecting rate of evaporation


Explain the factors affecting rate of evaporation.



Factors affecting rate of evaporation
a) Temperature
Increase in temperature of the liquid enhances evaporation. This is why clothes dry faster on a hot day.
b) Surface area
When the surface area is increased, the molecules of the liquid have greater chance of escaping. Hence a wet cloth would dry faster when it is spread out than when it is folded.
c) Humidity
When there is high amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, it becomes difficult for the molecules to escape.
This is why clothes take longer to dry on a humid day.
d) Draught/moving wind
Moving air above the surface of the liquid sweeps away the escaping molecules. Thus evaporation is enhanced by the passing air.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 10, 2018 at 18:07

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