(a) Tables: Is a fundamental database structure that stores related data records. It consists of rows (records) and columns (fields) for holding the related records.
(b) Queries: A query is a database feature used to extract or manipulate a subset of data from the underlying table that meets user defined criteria.
(c) Forms: Is a user-friendly graphical user interface that enables the user to enter, edit, delete and view data in the underlying table.
(d) Reports: Is a print template used to generate output from the underlying table and or query.
(e) Macros: Is a database feature that can be used to set actions that can be used to automate frequently used procedures or tasks using commands or events or event procedure.
(f) Modules: It is a database feature which allows users to create more advanced collection of operations using Visual Basic Application (VBA) declarations and procedures that cannot be achieved by a macro.
(g) Data Access Pages: A web page published from Ms Access that has a connection to a database. This page allows you to view, add, edit and manipulate the data stored in the database.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 11, 2018 at 07:44
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Define a Database.
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Discuss the types of charts in a spreadsheet.
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