(i) The database should meet and provide the needs of the users in terms of inputs, processes and outputs.
(ii) Draft the design on a piece of paper first and avoid jumping to the computer immediately.
(iii) Identify the tables to work with, the fields and the records of each particular entry required. Remember to carry out the normalisation procedures. That is, First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF) and Third Normal Form (3NF).
(iv) Identify the possible fields in each table that can be used to uniquely identify records (Primary Key).
(v) Design an interface screen for your data entries. This might call for use of appropriate controls for examples whether to use a combo box or list box.
(vi) The database should be shareable. That is, providing access to the same data in the database by different users at the same time.
(vii) The integrity of the data should be implemented to ensure only valid data is entered in the database. No user should be allowed to change data of other users.
(viii) The database should be capable of evolving in order to meet the future data processing needs of users besides meeting their current needs.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 11, 2018 at 08:40
- What are the steps needed to open an existing database and entering a new record?(Solved)
Outline the steps needed to open an existing database and to enter a new record.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is a "Field" in relation to databases?(Solved)
Define a "Field" in relation to databases.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is a "File" in relation to databases?(Solved)
Define a "File" in relation to databases.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is a "Record" in relation to databases?(Solved)
Define a "Record" in relation to databases.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- What are the major features of a database management software objects acting as a means to manipulation of data contained in the database?(Solved)
Discuss the major features of database management software objects which act as a means to manipulation of data contained in the database.
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Define SQL.
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Explain the main components of a database system.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is the difference between database application and database system?(Solved)
Distinguish between database application and database system.
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Give the major functions of DBMS in a computerized information processing.
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Highlight the examples of DBMS software.
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Define the term "Database Management System" (DBMS)
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Discuss the advantages modern database systems have over paper-based systems.
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Highlight areas where databases may be used in a business enterprise.
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Define a Database.
Date posted: April 11, 2018. Answers (1)
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Describe the procedure for printing a group of worksheets at the same time in Ms Excel.
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Define "collating copy printing" and show how to control it.
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Give the main types of page orientation.
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- What is "Page orientation?"(Solved)
Define "Page orientation"
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Define a computer printout and why it is important for any organization.
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Distinguish between a legend and label in charting.
Date posted: April 10, 2018. Answers (1)