Christians oppose use of contraceptives due to various reasons such as follows:
Contraceptives are agents,devices or drugs used to prevent child bearing.The following explains why they are opposed by Christians.
There is a believe that use of contraceptives is evil thus,natural means of birth control are encouraged.This are such as engaging in sexual inter course during infertile periods of a woman.
The use of contraceptives alters the mind of human beings to assume of of having power over the body thus neglecting the necessity of God in guiding and using us according to his will.
They lead to high rate of immorality such as arbotion especially when unwanted pregnancy occur due to failure of contraceptives.This is lack of value on precious human life.
The true purpose of marriage is interfered with as sex is used just for pleasure instead of obedience to God's word by producing thus being fruitful and multiplying.
Children are sign of God's blessings,and we are created according to God's own image and likeness for Him to fulfill his purpose through us.
Contraceptives leads to loss of natural bond that is brought by unity as enhanced by sex.This also lead to disrespect towards women as they may be regarded as object of pleasure instead of love,care and production for continuation of future generation.Along with fulfilment of their life objectives.
Punishment from God can be faced. This is as a result of disregarding his will to prevail of being productive and for Him to take total control over our lives.
Muchiri Samson answered the question on April 13, 2018 at 22:06
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