Explain the roles of board of management


Explain the roles of board of management.



Roles of board of management.
? Promote the best interests of the institutions and
ensure its development.
? Promote quality education for all pupils in
accordance with the standards set under the basic
education act or any other written law.
? Manage the institution's affairs in accordance with
the rules and regulations governing the
occupational safety and health.
? Advise the county education board on the starving
needs of the institution.
? Determine cases of pupils' discipline and make
reports to the county education board.
? Prepare a comprehensive termly report on all
areas of its mandate and submit the report to the
? Facilitate and ensure the provision of guidance
and counseling to all learners.
? Provide for the welfare and observe the human
rights and ensure safety of the pupils, teachers
and non-teaching staff.
? Encourage a culture of dialogue and participatory
democratic governance in the school.
? Promote the spirit of cohesion, integration, peace,
tolerance, inclusion, elimination of hate-speech
and elimination of tribalism at the institution.
? Encourage the learners, teachers and non-
teaching staff, parents and the community at large
to render voluntary services to the school.
? Allow reasonable use of the facilities of the
institution for community, social and other lawful
purposes including charging of a fee.
? Administer and manage the resources of the
? Receive, collect and account for any funds
accrued to the institution.
? Recruits, employs and enumerate non-teaching
staff required in the institution according to the act.
? Perform any other function to facilitate the
implementation of its functions under this act.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 13, 2018 at 18:03

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