Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.
Man is perpetual a wanting animal and his needs are
never satisfied fully. This process continues from birth
to death. Human needs differ in importance that can be
arranged in a hierarchy.
According to Maslow, human needs can be classified
into 5 main categories;
a. Basic/physiological needs - These are needs
which are essential for the survival of human life.
They are the most basic or fundamental needs
and must be satisfied before other needs. They
include; food, shelter, clothing, education, sex.
b. Safety needs - Once the basic needs are
reasonably well satisfied, security needs comes
significantly and this includes; physical safety,
economic security against unemployment.
c. Social needs - Man is a social being and therefore
he has needs to be accepted by others and this
includes; love, association needs and acceptance
by various social groups, friendship among others.
d. Self-esteem - Self-esteem means need of self-
respect, the feeling of personal worth and
intendance. By self-esteem of others, it’s the need
for recognition, status, power or prestige. An
organization/school system can help in satisfying
them through job title, praises and promotions.
e. Self-actualization - These are at the apex of
human needs. They are the needs for realizing
one’s full potential. It requires self-development. It
lies at the top of hierarchy of human needs and is
completely achieved at very rare cases.
Moraa orina answered the question on April 13, 2018 at 19:13
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