1. They should ensure that their antivirus software and the software used to access the internet such as a browser are up to date.
2. Use an encrypted SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol to transfer sensitive user’s personal information.
3.Preventing unauthorized personnel from accessing admin computers or account through encryption and password protection.
4.Perform regular malware, spyware and virus scans to prevent loss of integrity, confidentiality and availability of data.
5.Use passwords for user authentication to prove identity. The password characters should not be obvious from the dictionary and should have more than 8 characters, which are a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
6. Monitoring your site regularly by setting up system alerts for any suspicious activity, e.g. incorrect password or user identity and many wrong password input trials.
7. Encrypting data that is to be sent over a network by converting plain message into a cipher text (coded message) and the decryption key is only possessed by the sender and the receiver of the message.
8. Backup data regularly on-site and off-site in case of damage or physical theft. On-site backup can done using; google drive, dropbox and cloud. Off-site backup can be done by possessing an extra hard disk.
9. Unchecking the “remember password” option in the browser settings to prevent intruders from tracking your online operations.
Mwalimu Bonface answered the question on April 14, 2018 at 07:16
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b. Client technologies.
c. Server technology.
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a. Network technology.
b. Client technologies.
c. Server technology.
d. Operating system technology.
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