What are the features of an e-mail document?


Highlight the features of any e-mail document.



(a) Inbox; It is where received/ incoming mails are stored.

(b) Out box; Contains mails that are either awaiting to be send or messages that were created off-line.

(c) Attachments; You can attach a document/ picture/ sound/ video/ program to be send along with your body message.

(d) Forward a message; Allows you to send a received message to a friend(s) or another recipient(s).

(e) Print a message; Allows to generate a hard copy of the current message.

(f) Mailing list; Commonly used in discussion group that uses e-mail to communicate. There are thousands of mailing lists that cover a wide variety of topics.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 14, 2018 at 08:11

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