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(i)Explain the Mendels first law of inheritance. (ii) Give an example of this law


(i)Explain the Mendels first law of inheritance. (ii) Give an example of this law



i) It is also called law of segregation.
It states that genes are responsible for the development of individual characters.
These characters are transmitted individually without any alterations.
Only one character from a contrasting pair can be carried in a gamete, hence only one character can be inherited.

ii) In an experiment, Drosophila (fruit fly) with long wings were crossed with those having short wings. Assume letter L denotes gene for wing size. The gene for long wings is dominant to that for short wings
the genes for dominant are LL and for recessive ll.
State the expected results for the first cross.
Anganifelix answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 10:55

Next: Explain the following terms (a) Acquired characteristics (b) Inherited characteristics (c) Genotype (d) Phenotype (e) Dominant gene (character) ( f) Recessive gene (g) Homozygous (h) Heterozygous
Previous: What is monohybrid inheritance?

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