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(i) What does the term linkage mean? (ii) Define the term sex-linked genes. (iii) what is meant by the term sex linkage? (iv) Name the...


Definition, explanation and examples in biology form four questions.



(i) These are genes which occur together on a chromosome and are passed to offspring without being separated.

ii) Genes carried in the sex chromosome that are transmitted along with genes that determine sex.

iii) Genes that are located on the sex chromosome and are transmitted along with those that determine sex.

iv) a) colour blindness
b) Haemophilia
c) Hairy ears, pinna, nose
d) Baldness
e) Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD) muscular wasting.

v)a)Tuft of hair sprouting from pinna/baldnes
b) colour blindness/haemophilia.

iv) It is possible to determine sex of day old chicks
Anganifelix answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 11:50

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