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What are the activities done during data processing phase?


List and elaborate the activities done during data processing phase.



(a) Collection of data: Capturing data from their sources and recording it onto some media such as paper.

(b) Preparation of data: Copying, grouping or arranging data in a more convenient way for input.
Note that checking and verifying the data collected are often done at this stage.

(c) Input of data: Entering the data or sending the stored data into the processing system.
Note that checking the accuracy and validity of the input data are often done at this stage.

(d) Processing of data: Calculating or manipulating the input data and even storing the results for future use.

(e) Output of information: Giving out the processed results in a readable form like a report.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 12:02

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