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(i)Explain chromosomal mutation .(ii) Explain how the following types of chromosomal mutations occur. (a) Duplication (b) Inversion (c) Deletion (d) Translocation (e) Non-disjunction (f) Polyploidy


(i)Explain chromosomal mutation .(ii) Explain how the following types of chromosomal mutations occur. (a) Duplication (b) Inversion (c) Deletion (d) Translocation (e) Non-disjunction (f) Polyploidy



i) -Change in nature, structure or number of chromosomes

a) Duplication

-A section of a chromosome is repeated/replicates
therefore genes are repeated.

b) Inversion

-Occurs when chromatids break at 2 places and when rejoining the middle piece rotates and joins in an inverted position.

c) Deletion

-Portion of a chromosome is left out after it breaks off and alters number and sequence of genes.

d) Translocation

-Occurs when a section of a chromatid breaks off and becomes attached to another chromatid of another chromosome.

e) Non-disjuntion

-Failure of homologous chromosomes/sister chromatids to separate/segregate during meiosis.

f) Polyploidy

-where the number of chromosomes double or triples.
-Beneficial in plants due to the following
•Increased yields/hybrid vigour//heterosis
•resistance to pests
•early maturity
•resistance to drought
•resistance to diseases
Anganifelix answered the question on April 17, 2018 at 12:22

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